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NASDPTS State Transportation Associations Council (STAC)

What is the purpose of NASDPTS STAC?

NASDPTS State Transportation Associations Council (STAC) is a subcommittee of the Association, and is comprised of any State or Province Association that represents the school transportation industry. The purpose and mission of STAC is to provide leadership and educational opportunities to the school transportation industry to realize our collective goal of providing high-quality, safe, secure, healthy and efficient transportation for our school students.

STAC provides a great opportunity to network, to hear and glean ideas from other state associations on conference and workshop speakers, subjects and ideas. Our ultimate goal is to help improve training, communication, etc.

State and province associations can forward local or state legislative or operational concerns to STAC. STAC can provide assistance by providing guidance and expertise from the NASDPTS Executive Board.

The NASDPTS Annual Conference is a "member's only conference", meaning you must be a NASDPTS member to attend (under the appropriate membership category). Your $250 yearly membership, this includes membership for up to 10 of your state association board of directors.  Therefore, all board members will be allowed to attend the annual NASDPTS Conference without having to pay the $150 Associate Member fee.  Additionally, any of your board members will receive a $50 discount on Annual Conference Registration, bringing the final cost to $250.

Think of STAC as the national version of your state association - we are here to help!

    • Read the STAC Manual Operating Procedures HERE

    • See who is on the STAC Steering Committee HERE

    • Interested in joining NASDPTS?  Join here

    • Interested in joining STAC's Steering Committee?  Contact NASDPTS.

Contact Us:

PO Box 5604 (5877 Washington Boulevard)
Arlington, VA  22205

Ronna Weber
Executive Director
(703) 203-6485

Tammy Mortier
Member Services Director
(518) 620-8601

©NASDPTS 2025 All Rights Reserved