UPDATE: On Monday, February 28th, TSA confirmed that we should be following the CDC for school bus transportation and not the TSA. You will recall there has been an overlap between the CDC and TSA on this issue as the TSA Security Directive covers airports, airplanes, buses, bus terminals, train stations, trains, and other forms of transportation. That overlap is no longer our concern.
This afternoon the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued updated masking guidelines. In general, in areas were COVID is posing a low or medium threat to hospitals, people can stop wearing masks.
With respect to masking on school buses, please note the following from the CDC: Effective February 25, 2022, CDC is exercising its enforcement discretion to not require that people wear masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs. CDC is making this change to align with updated guidance that no longer recommends universal indoor mask wearing in K-12 and early education settings in areas with a low or medium COVID-19 Community Level.
To read the entire updated masking statement from the CDC, please go here: https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/masks/mask-travel-guidance.html
NASDPTS, PO Box 5604, Arlington, VA 22205
Ronna Weber, Executive Director | ExecDir@nasdpts.org | (703) 203-6485
Tammy Mortier, Member Services Director | AdminServices@nasdpts.org | (518) 620-8601
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