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Steering Committee


  • The Interim/Steering Committee is comprised of representatives of the following organizations:
  1. The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (4 members)
  2. The National Association for Pupil Transportation (2 members)
  3. The National School Transportation Association (2 members)
  4. School Bus Manufacturers Technical Council (2 members)
  5. The School Transportation Section, National Safety Council (2 members)
  • Each sponsoring organization designates its representatives to the committee. Each member serves without term until replaced by the sponsoring organization.
    • The Steering Committee remains active until the close of the Congress at which time the Steering Committee becomes the Interim Committee.
    • Duties and Responsibilities of the Steering Committee Members and Chairperson:
        • Serve as committee representative for his/her respective organization.
        • Attend all mandatory committee meetings and other meetings as directed by the Steering Committee Chairperson.
        • Develop and present written reports as directed by the Steering Committee Chairperson.
        • Attend the National Congress on School Transportation and perform such duties as directed by the Steering Committee Chairperson
        • Report as required the activities of the committee to their respective organizations.
        • As appointed and directed by the Steering Committee, serve as Coordinators overseeing the major writing areas and writing committees for the NCST document.
  • The Coordinator positions consist of the following:

(1) Vice-chair

(2) Vehicle Specifications Coordinator

(3) Operations Procedures Coordinator

(4) Special Committees Coordinator

(5) On-site Coordinator

(6) Technical Assistance and School Bus Inspection Coordinator

  • The Steering Committee Chairperson shall:
      • Plan and preside at all Steering Committee meetings.
      • Appoint and be responsible for committees and notifying committee chairs of the respective responsibilities.
      • Assist in preparing the budget for the National Congress for review and approval by the Steering Committee.
      • Forward and track all resolutions approved by the Congress delegates requiring action by the Steering Committee.

Contact Us:

Patrick McManamon, NCST Steering Committee Chair
Office:  (802) 828-3757